Waffle unlimited Foodle Wordle

32 Sectordle wordle

32 wordle Sectordle

How to play 32 Sectordle wordle?

Guess all 32 Sectordle words in 37 tries! A new Daily Sectordle will be available in 7 hours..

The catch is that your word attempts must respect the information you have learned in previous guesses.

🟩 - Once you place a letter correctly, then future guesses must contain that same letter in the same position
🟨 - Once you place a correct letter in an incorrect location, then future guesses must contain that letter in a different location
⬜ - Once letters have been guessed and eliminated, then you can no longer use them

The number of valid words remaining appears at the top, and it will shrink with each guess. If the number gets too low, you can use one of your "UNDOs" to reverse course.

Be careful! If you accidentally enter the Wordle word, the game is over even if you have some UNDOs remaining.